0:03 I'm not here to convince you like if you want to believe me, you can believe me. If not, then that's perfectly fine. 0:17 I'm Melissa. And I'm Alexia. 0:20 And this is the Believe it or not podcast. We're just three girls trying to demystify the most taboo topics trending in the supernatural world. On Believe it or not, 0:29 we talk mediums, shamans, spirits, and even the silliest folklore legends like Bigfoot. 0:37 So watch out mere mortals, we're getting witchy with it. Our first episode is all about psychic mediums in spiritual healers. 0:45 So ladies, let's get right into it. What are your opinions on mediums? 0:52 Well, I've actually been to a medium three times now. And the third time I got a spiritual healing session done. But I do have to admit, before I went, I was a bit skeptical, which I think is normal. But I've always been very in tune with my intuition. So something was just nudging me like Alexia, just go for it, just do it. And after I went, I felt sort of like this weight had been lifted off of me. And now my mind has opened right up to the spiritual world. So I think that because of how enlightening, accurate and healing these sessions were for me, I'm now 100%, a believer, and any type of medium or spiritual healer, what about you stauss. To be honest, I have the complete opposite view on mediums that Alexia does here. I've never been to a medium or any kind of spiritual healer or lightworker. And quite honestly, I'm completely terrified. I've been through a lot of trauma in the past year, and I'm not sure what going to medium would bring up for me except negativity. Like, I'm basically fucking with the universe, and it already hates me 95% of the time, call me a Doubting Thomas. But after discussing this episode with you guys, it kind of opened my mind up to the idea of seeing the medium. And now I think I might be ready to have the experience for myself. 2:09 So Mel, what's 2:10 your take on mediums? 2:12 I think I can meet you both in the middle here. I do believe that there are some people out there who can see things that other people can't. But I just hear so many stories about people getting scammed by mediums. So I just wouldn't know who to go to basically. So yeah, I feel like if I knew more about mediums, I would be more comfortable going to one myself. But I want to make sure I go to like a reputable one. 2:39 Before we created this podcast, I really wasn't sure what a medium was, or even does. So to familiarize myself with what they really do. I talked to two different lightworkers. And first I talked to a lightworker energy coach and spiritual guide named Donnie housy, based in Montreal who's been in the business for years. 3:03 Hello. Hi, Dani. It's 3:05 anastasiya 3:06 Hi, how are you? I'm good. How 3:08 are you? 3:09 I just could I help you? 3:11 Well, 3:11 I guess I'm just in your own words. Can 3:14 you 3:14 explain to me a little bit about 3:16 what 3:18 you like what your practices are, and like, what you help people with specifically as a medium and a light worker. 3:25 So I became an EFT practitioner, so EFT, EFT, do you know what it is? 3:31 I don't know. An 3:33 acupuncture? Yes. Okay. So acupuncture is amazing. I'm a big fan of acupuncture. And it basically goes and you place the needle, where the energy is congested, and then it diffuses that energy. So when you do EFT is called Emotional Freedom Technique. It's the same concept, except you're also using words, you're using language. So you are tapping on. We use it we have many, many meridian points in our body, but we use eight meridian points for the tapping. And you basically tap on these points and it goes through your nervous system. and nervous system will drive the energy through the statement to where the the person is holding on to energy. So it's like using needles, but without the needles. And as you tap, it starts to break up the energy that's blocked, and then as you exhale, you actually are able to release the blockage. So that's what tapping is. And I became interested in it through a personal experience that I had with my own daughter. And it was a problem that she had had her whole life and I had brought her to someone to get received this topping and after two sessions, the problem was removed. And so I was like, Oh my god, like, what did you do? do that to them. I was so interested in it. I became certified went back for my second certification and as a intuitive all of my life, when I started doing the tapping, a spirit started coming forward and saying, we have a much faster way of doing this. And they showed me how to clear energy but in a much faster way. And that's the way I use my practice now. So I do incorporate the tapping, but because I can read people's energy, and I can see where it's blocked, it's like I use your, and everyone has their own team of guides, or lightworkers that are from the spirit world, and I connect with them. And then I ask them to just come forward and to show me what it is that I need to bring forward for you to give you the clarity that you need. 5:41 After talking to Dani I felt a lot more comfortable about the idea of going to see a medium. She seemed just very trustworthy, and seemed to know how to help me with all the problems I've been facing. She's just a regular day to day person who does other things, too, and has a daughter. So I think it was kind of cool to hear her story. Because, yeah, it 6:06 added credibility to, I guess, mediums. Yeah, I 6:11 remember when I went to the mediums house for the first time. She had like photos of her daughter, like the medium that I had originally went to, like her kids actually, she has two kids. And her house was just very like a normal house. Like I didn't walk into like this, like witchy like weird, like spiritual place. So I think that it's good to talk to a medium who can kind of like shed light on the fact that they're not these like really intimidating like mystical people. They're just regular humans who are bringing a different service to people in the world. And then I chatted with Alison Charles, who is someone I've been following on social media for years, despite the fact that I don't really believe in mediums necessarily or what they do. But she's just this like mega beach babe, who's like New York and LA his most beloved shaman. And she's kind of redefined what a shaman is supposed to look like. Contrary to popular belief, modern day shamans aren't all loincloth barefoot in the jungle type of thing. Nick can be really stylish and just modern day, people. You were talking about your awakening as a shaman, can you tell me a little bit more about that? 7:29 My awakening required a divine intervention. So one day when I was in a venture backed out publicly with my ex fiance yet again, and we have already been together for like 16 years trying to get the relationship to work. We were about to try it one more time. That's when universe had to step in, because we were going to start that cycle of insanity all over again. So you know, the whole story that goes with it, but I became clear audience has heard source speak to me in my right ear, and, you know, I got guided to his phone. And I mean, there's a very detailed story that that goes with it. But because of the divine intervention, my clairsentience gifts, my clairaudient gifts activated instantaneously. And then after the traumatic moment that really woke me up right after those gifts got activated. I flew to be with my family to process everything and then the clairvoyance and all these additional gifts. awoken the next few days. 8:38 What are some of the other misconceptions about like, shamans and shamanic healing that you've come to face or that people might 8:45 God do about it? Can you be on the phone for like three days? There's a misconception of like, looks and appearances and you know, again, you get fed these like images that a shaman you know, is wearing a loincloth in a jungle, which, you know, there are those and and, and yet, I am a shamanic practitioner and you know, live mainly between New York and LA and you know, I'm really into fashion and I don't I don't necessarily have a spiritual attire or wardrobe. I am just me I am who I am and aware, you know, Timberland boots and skinny jeans and you know, long trench coats. The other one is that like, shamanism is like some dark thing, like casting dark. So, yeah, those are some of the main misconceptions. 9:46 Tony is more of your traditional medium or Allison is a shaman, but they both consider themselves lightworkers because they teach like healing to other people, basically. But Donnie works More one on one with people Dani does like acupuncture. So she's like, well versed in like I guess anatomy and just like learning how to heal people that way through like the chakras and all that Alison is more she works with like essential oils and doesn't work with people so much one on one she does like big like group healings with like, massive amounts of like hundreds of people at like conventions and does a lot of public appearances and kind of just like, is more connects with a large group of people about one thing, I guess. So before we actually bring stocks to medium, we wanted to talk to someone who had already been to them a few times, someone that seeks them out for their personal life, and kind of what it's brought to their lives on a personal level. So we talked to Olivia Manzini, she's also in fourth year here at Ryerson. And she's actually been seeing spirits since she was a little girl. So she'll kind of get into that with her interview. 10:58 So my experience of going to a medium. So the first time I had went was because my mom got diagnosed with stage four cancer. So I was all over the place emotionally. And I needed some guidance as to how to, you know, collect myself and what the what might happen in the future. So I went to the medium. And she basically generally just gave me some guidance and that everything's going to be okay, and then I need to stay positive. And then, yeah, I don't like it was obviously nerve wracking the very first time I went, but I believed in this stuff, who my mom had always been interested in believes in it. So it was never anything like new or something that was scary to me. Because even as a child, I would always experience like spirituality. And like I would see like spirits all the time, as creepy and crazy as it sounds, but it was normal to me. So it was nothing. scarier is more of what I was going to hear that would be scary. The second time I had went was because my boyfriend and I had ended. And then my mom was obviously getting more and more sick. And she had wanted to go for herself, just to give her some guidance on her end just to you know, stay positive. And what if there's going to be you know, someone else on the other side waiting for her? Because ultimately, she had stage four. Right? So it was kind of bound to happen, unfortunately. Yeah. And then she just gave me some guidance as to what was going to happen. And at first, she had predicted, you know, like, your boyfriend isn't going to come back. And eventually she pulled a card said, Oh, no, he is going to come back up, and he's gonna fight for you. And then, lo and behold, he's back in my life. And we're back together. So it was it was really crazy, because everything she said and predicted pretty much came true. 12:33 The interesting thing about this interview was before we started recording, we realized we didn't have headphones with us. So Alexia went to go get headphones, and I just placed the recorder down on the table. And then it suddenly made this really weird noise. But I just thought, oh, maybe like, the mic was just hitting the chair weird. But I've always like sat the recorder down, like just before an interview, like nothing has happened, or there was no sound coming out of it. And then when Alexia came back, Olivia before even talking about anything, she's like, Oh, just so you know, like, I don't want to creep you guys out. But that was actually a spirit walking by. And I was just like, shocked. Like, I didn't even tell her that that was a weird sound that I heard it just happened. And I shut off the recorder. But I thought that was really interesting. At that point, I 13:19 was like, halfway through my like lunch like myself. 13:21 Like, but like, yeah, there's 13:26 spirited. Okay, as a kid, like I always saw spirits, my little sister had passed away when I was younger, I was think I was about like six or seven years old. And when you're a kid, you're most prone to seeing spirits or communicating because you're younger, it's just an easier connection versus when you're older, you're much more streamlined, and you're not as optimistic and open to other things. So one day, my mom had told me this story. I was sitting in my room talking to myself, every kid talks to themselves, but I was having a full on conversation, playing Barbies with my little sister who had passed at the time. So my mom walked in saying, Olivia, you know, who are you talking to? And I was like, Oh, I'm talking to Jacqueline in front of me, who was my little sister. And my mom, obviously freaked out was like, What do you mean? And she's not there? And I'm like, No, she's right in front of me. What are you talking about? So from that moment, for, and my mom was like, okay, clearly she has the ability. But she hadn't told me this until years and years later. And I was always just a very scared kid, because I never understood the fact that seeing ghosts and spirits was an actual thing. And it was almost normal to some people. Yeah, so 14:24 I think Olivia and I share very similar views. Because we've Of course, both been to bend to a medium a few times. And I think she did a really good job as well of explaining why, for her, they're just more of someone that she decided to seek out because she needed some guidance in her life. It's not someone that like she went to because she wanted to know what her future is going to entail. And I think that's a huge misconception that some people have who haven't gone they think that they're going to tell them like when they're going to get married or when they're going to die and like all this like freaky stuff, but at the end of the day, like that's not are actually what they're there for. Not like I'm having a vision. This is what I see for you and like 20 years, so stuff last week, you 15:07 actually went to a medium. What happened? 15:11 A lot. 15:14 So, I was, I think, not uncommon, actually, that's a lie. I was completely uncomfortable. And, like, as soon as she walked in, like I had this kind of like pending anxiety about the entire thing because I really didn't know what she was going to bring up for me. But as soon as she walked in, I like, I like inverted like, I don't know what it was. And I'm not like a shy person. Like I just like holed up in my little corner of the couch and she was like, walking towards me. And I was like, it was the weirdest thing like I felt myself like just curling up and I was like, I don't know what's happening right now. And she said right away when she walked in all your nervous Aren't you and like, obviously could see it on my face. But she was like, I could literally feel your energy from down the street, that you were like that nervous. So we could go sauce and Mel actually came to my apartment, and stars got her reading done by Sandra Sara Darcy. She's a gifted healer and spiritual coach with over 12 years of experience. Sandra is an intuitive medium, however, she focuses her healing work on removing emotional blocks that a person is not seeing helping them to progress in their journey. Pretty cool. 16:31 Let's see what came up here. 16:33 Got his blend. Okay, so we're gonna start with this oil. And to get us in the mood, where the mind is not interfering with the heart, which is usually what happens. That's why we get nervous, anxious, depressed, usually will be a session 12 all 12 meridians with the release in the 48 negative emotions company with the acupressure technique 16:59 right under my knees, she started like pressing on either side of my knee, like right underneath and it killed like I can't explain how much it hurt. I've always had problems with my knees because I was an athlete for a really long time. And by the end of my basketball career, I had like braces on both my knees and like had a hard time walking basically. So at first I was like, Oh, it's just because my knees are messed up to begin with. But then right under my left knee, she pressed really hard. And I just like started sobbing and she was like, it wasn't because of the pain. But she was like, this is where you hold like all your worry. And I know I've always been a big worrier about everything, but she just like she's held it there. And I was just like, I couldn't stop crying. And then she brought up the fact that all my worry is based on my fear. You feeling something? 17:57 You like you have high tolerance for pain, though. I can tell how you feeling though I feel more calm. Yeah, 18:06 Mm hmm. 18:07 I guess the whole thing is, 18:09 I just don't know what to expect. 18:11 Like, yeah, this is this is where you're struggling, this is where you're tripping. So I feel that you have felt lost as often lost, like, what am I doing here? How am I supposed to deal with this? You felt unsupported. Like, very unsupported. And you don't have like a sounding voice to turn to you hide all of this yourself. And it's okay to release those tears because you have a right to a place where it nobody has to understand you. 18:55 Then she brought up a lot about my mom and how my mom is searching for something and I was kind of getting really freaked out at this point because I'm like, my mom's happy You know, like, she's fine, everything's great. But I then I like I think honestly Sandra just like completely lifted my subconscious like things I hadn't thought about or like maybe just like internalized for so long that I didn't ever really talk to anyone about and she said I felt a lot of guilt about leaving my mom basically my mom lives back in Windsor with my dad and my younger sister. And we we have a very, very close relationship which which is also something Sandra said right away. She was like you and your mom are very close. And that's when I started getting really emotional, I think because she kept saying that your mom is searching for something through you and your sisters and you need to call her on her. Her shit is her exact words. She's like you need to call her out kind of thing. And you guys can't be as dependent on each other for Whatever you're both searching for kind of thing. I got so, so emotional. And it just did really make me think afterward a lot about that. In particular, 20:10 Sonia, sad story that happened to you in the past. 20:15 Is there like anything? I'm curious? Is there anything you're picking up? Well? 20:20 Do you like dogs? 20:22 Yes. 20:22 Okay. 20:23 Do you have all happy stories about dogs? No, no. Okay, that's what I'm good. Tell me the sad story of a dog. Because I know you have a sad story and you have fear. Part of you had overcome that you have fear of dogs. And guess what? Dogs represent relationships? 20:41 Hmm, yeah, I 20:43 got bit by a dog. I 20:44 knew it. 20:47 You get bit by a dog. 20:51 I get chills. 20:52 Oh my God, when she mentioned the dog bite, just looking at you, you would never be able to tell that that was a dog from a dog. No, 20:59 I just thought it was. We were like so shocked. You were like, I haven't even thought about that in 21:04 years. Because like, it's honestly something that I like. I haven't thought about forever. And just like the details that came up out of that entire conversation. I was just like, and it's true. Like you would never be able to tell 21:19 the meridian is equals gates equals doors. So doors, when I press those points on your coughs on your leg was directly connected into your spleen Meridian, the organs that we must take care of like not that the other ones aren't important. But I'm saying like, you know, you could live with one kidney worse come to worse. 21:39 I got in a car accident last Christmas. And when that happened, I had to go back to Windsor, and stay with my parents after I was in the hospital for almost a month. And then I had to be in recovery for almost like half a year, my kidneys were very damaged in the accident. So I had drainage tubes coming out of my side. And I couldn't even move. And basically, when the accident happened, my left kidney kind of like exploded inside me. And then God, my sister's boyfriend was driving the accident. And thankfully, he got me out of the car. And the paramedics and everything got me just in time, enough time to make it out kind of thing. And they were able to reattach my candy inside my body. But ever since then there's been like a blockage in my kidney. So basically, in my left kidney is kind of like dying. And for months, they've been trying to figure out how to fix it. I've had like a few different neurologists and specialists try and look at it because they've never seen this before any of them. So last week, I had an ultrasound. And basically they said it's getting worse. So they kind of have to decide if they're going to do surgery or not. And the surgery they have to do is very risky. Because it's something so hard to fix that if they try and fix it and something goes wrong, which 95% of the time actually it does, I can lose my entire kidney. So I basically just was for a whole week just like so anxious because I'm like, okay, am I gonna have to get this or not? And what's going to happen to me, basically, and during the session, Sandra kind of like, is kind of pissing me off because she just kind of was brushing off the idea of like this surgery being a possibility or not, she was just kind of like, she seemed so positive that everything was gonna be okay, but I just had this gut feeling that like, No, I'm gonna have to have this surgery. And then when I left was just me and Sandra there and Sandra just kind of looked at me and she was like, okay, so like your friends gonna have the surgery. She's like, I knew the whole time that like she was gonna have it. I felt it. It was like a very strong, like energy that I got that she was gonna have to have the surgery, but I didn't want to scare her and it's something that I didn't feel was in my best intentions to tell her but I do just want to tell you that like she's gonna be totally okay. Alexia being with good friends, but she is texted me the next day, being like, 24:22 hey, 24:23 How'd your appointment go? Like, 24:25 What's the news? And I told her that I'd have to get the surgery. And that's when she told me that Sandra said that I would have to have the surgery. But did you mention anything about the accident? Before she talked about it? Or no, literally, we were just packing like she was packing all her stuff up and she just kind of looked at me and she's like, Kay, so like, I just want to tell you that like your friend is going to have the surgery. Like it was almost like Gosh, 24:50 yeah, so we all know Lex and I believe in mediums and the idea of mediums. But what about ustaz? What's the verdict? 24:59 Although I do I'd really enjoy the entire experience that I had with Sandra, I can honestly say that I'm still kind of skeptical about the entire thing. I'm not really sure what to believe. I'm not really sure what she was trying to get out of me to, like, feed into her, like our conversation. But at the same time, she did bring up a lot of things that I think only lightworkers with those healing powers can know about someone without them saying anything. So I do take a lot of comfort and the fact that you know, Sandra listened to what I had to say and was able to block a lot of negative energy and emotions that I was having. But yeah, I let's just say, I'm still Doubting Thomas, I think I'm not, I'm not sold. I'm not convinced yet, maybe in the next episode of Believe it or not, 26:04 thanks for listening to this episode of Believe it or not, if you want to join in on the conversation. You can find us on Instagram at Believe it or not podcast, and vote in our story if you believe in mediums or not, 26:19 and until next time, stay witchy Transcribed by https://otter.ai